Frequently Asked Questions: Kids

1. Is camp scary?
If it’s your first time away from home, any camp can be scary for a little while. Most kids feel pretty good by dinnertime their first night. Talk to the kids you’re going through treatment with, and chances are they’ll tell you that they were scared too, but that now Camp Ta-Kum-Ta is their favorite time of the year.

2. Having cancer is weird enough as it is. Won’t going to a “cancer camp” just be weirder?
You’d think so, wouldn’t you? But because every kid there, and a bunch of the councilors too, have been through exactly the same thing, cancer becomes a non-issue. You’re no longer different. You’re just you!

3. What if I need treatment while I’m at camp?
No problem. Many on our Medical Staff are the same people you see when you come in for treatments at the hospital. Now which would you rather do? Get treatments at the hospital or by the lake and go climbing on the ropes-course after?

4. My parents don’t let me do anything anymore. Is camp as boring as home?
Nope! You’ll swim, dive, climb, soar through the trees, fly in balloons, dance, and eat ridiculous amounts of food Mom or Dad would never allow!

Frequently Asked Questions: Parents

1. With medical bills and such, we’re strapped pretty tight. How much does camp cost?
Camp is provided completely free of charge to all children who have, or have had cancer treated at UVM Medical Center and their families. This includes transportation from the hospital to camp for the Summer Program, from camp to off-camp activities, food, medical care, activities, and even clothing!

2. I’m a little scared about letting my child go away for a whole week. What can you say to convince me this is a good idea?
Talk to the medical staff at the hospital. Talk to the parents of other campers when you meet them during treatments. Talk to the kids themselves. They’ll all tell you that Camp Ta-Kum-Ta has become a valuable tool in the physical and mental healing process. You might be scared now, but at the end of the week, you’ll be Camp’s biggest fan too!  You can even visit Camp with your family and have a tour!

3. What if my child needs treatment while at camp?
Our medical staff is comprised of many of the very same people you see each time you bring your child in for treatment. They know your child’s needs already, and are present at camp 24/7! If an issue arises that requires further treatment, we’re just 15 minutes from UVM Medical Center with transportation available to/from the hospital.

4. Will camp change my child?
We hope so. Most parents tell us that they didn’t get their patient back at the end of the program, but got their child back!

More questions? Contact Dina Dattilio, Program Manager at: , 802-372-5863 or 802-373-0313